… As I Have Loved You

When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.  I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!  This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.  John 15:10-12

Every year, I attend a conference that enriches me both mentally and spiritually. It provides new ideas for work and home and offers a faith-based environment for reflection on God's presence in my life and His plans for me.  One impactful moment was hearing a pastor's story about his mentor's encouraging words, which highlighted the importance of reflecting God's love in the world. Another speaker then challenged us to think beyond our immediate legacy, asking, "Who is your legacy?"  This question urged us to consider who we have influenced outside our family, and how we can elevate and encourage others to make a significant impact.

We often underestimate our influence on others: friends, colleagues, or fellow believers. Reflecting on how I present myself, I realize the importance of expressing my appreciation for the impact people have on my life and others'.  Reflecting on how I show up in the world, I realize the importance of expressing love and appreciation to everyone, friend or not.  It's crucial to intentionally acknowledge how others impact our lives and the lives of those around them. Experience matters, and wisdom often comes with age.  Some lessons take time to learn, and once we do, we have a choice: keep them to ourselves or share them with others. This idea is inspired by the teachings of Jesus and has guided me in today's devotion.

Spreading God's love through intentional words and deeds is essential to building His legacy. I emphasize 'His' legacy because this mission is not about us; it's about reflecting Jesus' love. Jesus taught His disciples to remain in His love just as He remains in God's love. When we consider Jesus' love for His disciples, we should remember how much He taught them and invested in them through His words and time. He puts it all together with a simple yet profound commandment: "Love each other as I have loved you."  When we think of love, we often get caught up in the types of love.  However, reading into this in the broader sense, it means to be to others as Christ is to us.  This involves teaching others about God's love and dedicating our time and effort to encourage and uplift them.  It's not just about offering a word of encouragement or saying, "I'll pray for you." It's about taking deliberate actions that exceed others’ expectations.   Writing a heartfelt letter noting just how much they matter or sitting with them in their moment of need and praying together are examples of where we invest in them just as Jesus invested in both the disciples as well as us.  That is the love of God.  It means always seeking to love others beyond our wants and both where and aligning with God’s will.  In doing so, we embody the love of Christ and continue His legacy of compassion and care.

God's love has the extraordinary power to transform the world. Whether it manifests within our intimate circles or through acts of kindness toward those who oppose us, its ability to change not only others but also ourselves is what makes it so profoundly impactful.  Too often, we misuse this love to criticize or judge others, disguising it as 'tough love' or 'telling God's truth.'  But let's be honest!  When has tough love ever worked on someone we barely know?  Such actions are mean-spirited and do not reflect God's love at all!  Jesus meets us exactly where we are, and through His unconditional love, He transforms us into His followers.  Let us embrace and share this transformative love, both inwardly and outwardly, to bring God's Kingdom closer to reality.  Who in your life can you pour more of God's love into?  How much time can you dedicate to showing others His love?  My prayer is that we give of ourselves as Jesus has given to us, loving each other as He has loved us.  Amen.


Transforming Grace


Love Rules