A Few Words on Chauvin Verdict

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? ~Micah 6:8

 We serve a God who is just and expects for us to act with justice in our dealings with one another. Therefore, we are grateful to God for the verdict in the Chauvin trial yesterday. The verdict represents justice for so many people who are too often denied justice. And it is a step that brings us closer to what God requires of us.  


Rev. Glenn

“True justice requires that we come to terms with the fact that Black Americans are treated differently, every day. It requires us to recognize that millions of our friends, family and fellow citizens live in fear that their next encounter with law enforcement could be their last. And it requires us to do the sometimes thankless, often difficult, but always necessary work of making the America we know more like the America we believe in. ~ President Obama 


I Am Restored

