Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God!
    I will be honored by every nation.
    I will be honored throughout the world.”

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;
    the God of Israel is our fortress.  Psalm 46:10-11

One of the things that I have gotten better at over the years is enjoying vacation.  It gives me in this case time to spend with family and friends and focus on some things that are of value.  Because I really love to drive, I am always driving to a location, and this time it was Orlando, which is about 1,200 miles from home.  Some people dread the thought of even being in a car that long especially with a 17-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old grandson.  But like most drive time for me, it’s an ‘away’ from all the stresses and challenges going on in my world.  Once we arrived, there were some work things that I had to address, but alas, the rest of the trip is family and relaxation.  I mentioned focusing on things of value, and of course a big one is my relationship with God.  To not have any distractions whatsoever in the morning and just lay all my worries and troubles at His feet is such a relief!  To know His presence is a constant in my life and to thank Him for loving me put me in the right frame of mind to start the day and ensures my focus was on Him first.  Things always go well when that is the case.  This morning ritual is one I plan to exercise more at the start of my day.

Today’s verses should be a reminder of how we must make time for still and quietness to focus on God.  As I reflect on my week of vacation, I found incredible peace in moments of stillness.  In those moments, the feeling of calm and serenity came over me.  It was as if there was only God and me in the room, and as I read His word, it was as if He was having a literal conversation with me.  My purpose in sharing this is to hope prayerfully that each of you has that moment where you can find God and talk with Him without distraction or interruption.  Yes, this is not always possible when you have children, stresses at work, tough times in relationships, and other seemingly endless challenges.  Albert Tate, a senior pastor and author,  recently spoke at a leadership conference coining a phrase, “Napping is the new hustle.”  After reflecting on it a bit more, I understood what he was referring to.  It meant that resting is essential to being able to have peace.  Without it, you cannot either recharge your body or reconnect with not only God but also anything else you value.  There is great wisdom that was expressed by Jesus Christ when He said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ” (Matthew 11:28b)  If we truly seek to find Him when we are tired and filled with burdens, He will give us rest.

God is with us always.  We are at times in a nonstop struggle to find Him, and if we are not careful, we will find ourselves lost.  As such, we must be intentional in finding space just between Him and us to ensure connection not only through prayer but also clearly, free, and without distraction.  Furthermore, when struggles for that peace occur, we must fight rigorously to ensure it as an important part of our spiritual journey.  So, do not discount inner peace with God.  Instead, make it a vital part of your relationship with Him.  Where do you go to find peace with and pray to God?  What disciplines can you start to clear your mind and focus on Him?  Who can help you when challenged finding this peace?  My prayer is that we can all find God by simply being still.  Amen.

Contribution to ‘The Hope Fellowship’ by Kent Williams


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