Hallelujah! He Shall Reign Forever

Election night is a time where newly elected leadership is announced. There is great joy for the newly elected and their supporters. The signs and paraphernalia from the campaign are no longer needed and can be gathered and thrown away. New leadership means new hope and a new direction for those who are looking to the new regime for change that will protect and benefit them. Isaiah prophesied (Isa. 9:2-7) that God Himself would send forth a child (His Son) who would become the righteous and just leader to rule His people. This leader would bring light to darkness, incite joy out of sorrow and establish peace in place of war. I pray that, during this season, you will experience the light, the joy and the peace of Jesus who is our Lord and soon coming King.

The people walking in darkness

have seen a great light;

on those living in the land of deep darkness

a light has dawned. (Isa. 9:2). Isaiah begins this prophetic word with these words of hope. That for those who have been walking and living in darkness, a great light has pierced through it and a new day has dawned. If you have ever been lost in darkness, you know what great relief comes from finding light to see clearly what is around you and to see your way forward. Thank God I no longer have to walk In darkness!

You have enlarged the nation

and increased their joy;

they rejoice before you

as people rejoice at the harvest,

as warriors rejoice

when dividing the plunder.

For as in the day of Midian’s defeat,

you have shattered

the yoke that burdens them,

the bar across their shoulders,

the rod of their oppressor.

Every warrior’s boot used in battle

and every garment rolled in blood

will be destined for burning,

will be fuel for the fire. (Isa. 9:3-5). The Lord has ended the war that has been waged by the forces of evil against God’s people and they respond with rejoicing before Him. The joy is described in terms of what is experienced at the end of a harvest or the end of a battle where the victors take the spoils. When God caused Gideon to lead Israel in defeat of the Midianites, it broke their oppression of His people. And, because the war is over, those who fought the battle can burn the garments and boots they fought in, for that battle wear will no longer be needed. Rejoice, the battle is over…and the victory belongs to Jesus!

For to us a child is born,

to us a son is given,

and the government will be on his shoulders.

And he will be called

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the greatness of his government and peace

there will be no end.

He will reign on David’s throne

and over his kingdom,

establishing and upholding it

with justice and righteousness

from that time on and forever.

The zeal of the LORD Almighty

will accomplish this. (Isa. 9:5-6). Isaiah prophesied that God would send His Son, who would come as a child. And He would bring to pass all that Isaiah had described in verses 2-4. He would be the head of a new government and govern in justice and righteousness. Isaiah listed the aspects of His character that describe who He is and what He has come to do. He is wonderful, a counselor, almighty, God, everlasting, and a peaceful ruler. Righteousness and justice will be the pillars of His governance and He will reign forever. Isaiah assured God’s people that this was not some “too good to be true” prediction, but that this entire prophesy would all be accomplished through the power and zeal (great energy and enthusiasm) of the almighty God. God will cause His word through Isaiah to be accomplished by His power and His might. We trust in His word because it can not return void, it must accomplish that for which it was purposed.

We are often disappointed by those whom we choose to lead us. But the one whom God has set upon the throne to lead and reign over His people will not disappoint. The joy of God’s people will be a hallmark of His reign. And the political squabbles and divisions that permeate our man made systems of government and that displace, disrupt and disenfranchise masses of people will not exist under His government. For He will reign in righteousness, justice, peace and light. During this advent season we are to be in anticipation of His coming. I for one, can’t wait for His arrival. Somebody ought to shout Hallelujah!

Please enjoy this song “Hallelujah Chorus” from the album A Soulful Celebration (feel free to join in!)


Rev. Glenn

The people walking in darkness

have seen a great light;

on those living in the land of deep darkness

a light has dawned. ~ Isaiah 9:2

For to us a child is born,

to us a son is given ~ Isaiah 9:5


The Birth of Jesus Christ


The Light That Leads To Life