Living A Life That Imitates God

Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.  Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.  Ephesians 5:1-2

When I first started writing this devotion, I felt like something was not right.  Spiritually, I was not connecting with God. I do not know if anyone else ever feels that way.  But suddenly, something in my head said, “Turn to Ephesians 5.”  That led me to Ephesians 5:1-2.  The significance of it centered me on this topic of seasonality.  It was something I have been hearing in a few sermons, and it felt appropriate considering the temperature in Michigan was 80 degrees yesterday, after the previous week where it was literally a Winter Wonderland!  So in this ‘season’ of my life, it was bigger than just the verses themselves.  It was to remind me that we all go through various stages and seasons in our life with God.  Sometimes it is to pause and reflect on His goodness.  Other times it might be to better understand His purpose for our life.  But as the verse today told me, it was to really focus on aspiring to live as He would.  Why?  Because it is as Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) If this is indeed true (and we know what Jesus says is), then Ephesians 5:1-2 is nothing more than a reiteration of Jesus’ teaching, right?

So, I began to formulate my thinking.  If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, are we flattering God to gain His favor?  That is not how I envisioned our relationship with God.  Instead, I used to see it as His Kingdom that we are fortunate to live in.  But in reading these verses over and over again, that is not entirely what God wants either.  Why?  That is the challenge I found Ephesians 5 was pushing me toward.  God wants obedience to Him, and that is a ‘given.’  But what God wants more than anything is for us to love as He loves.  This is after all a part of the Greatest Commandment from Jesus (see Matthew 22:34-39).  God wants us to be Christ like, for Matthew 3:17 speaks of Christ, saying “And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.””  So mimicking Christ is good because we show not only His love but also bring great delight to God Himself.  We often think of God as this sovereign King, which is absolutely true.  But if we have built this wall where He is near unapproachability, then we are doing God wrong.  God wants a relationship with us, and He went through a lot to get us to this point in our lives.  I know that as much as I have disappointed Him, I am grateful for His love and grace, and that I have an opportunity each and every day to be that shining example of Christ to the world is both humbling and inspiring.  For me, this is my new season, and perhaps, maybe yours.

We may not totally understand what season we are in with God, but it all starts with love.  When we focus on love, we stop focusing on our own public or private pain, and the motivation to make someone feel better grows in our spirit.  It could be as subtle as a hug or as deliberate as buying groceries for an elderly person who might be struggling to get by.  No matter, God indeed has a plan for you.  Take the time, and look within your heart to help guide you in the next steps of your spiritual journey.  What season do you believe you are in?  How can your love for God drive you closer to the path you must travel?  My prayer is that whatever season we are in, we are guided by God’s goodness and love, and yes, we ‘flatter’ God. 


This Devotion was written and contributed to The Hope Fellowship by Kent Williams


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