Our God Reigns!

We live in a stress filled and chaotic world.  We are bombarded with bad news and events that can cause us to be fearful.  Without an anchor in Christ to ground us and our faith to give us hope, we would be overcome by this world.  Instead, we have been called by the power of God to be “overcomers”.  In Isaiah 52:7-12, the prophet Isaiah tells God’s people that the good news of peace and salvation are coming to them.  They will no longer need to live in a place chaos, oppression and fear.  And when this good news reaches those that have been watching and waiting for it, there will be joy and shouting.  And the ones who bring the good news will emphatically affirm to God’s people that He is in control, saying “Your God reigns!”.  I pray this week that regardless of what is going on in your life, that you will remember that we have a God who loves us and is in control… and He still reigns!  Amen 

Listen as Kirk Franklin and Maverick City Music sing “Bless Me”

How beautiful on the mountains

are the feet of those who bring good news,

who proclaim peace,

who bring good tidings,

who proclaim salvation,

who say to Zion,

“Your God reigns!”

Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices;

together they shout for joy.

When the LORD returns to Zion,

they will see it with their own eyes.  (Isaiah 52:7-8)

When the news comes of God’s final victory it will be met with shouts of joy.  Those who have been watching and waiting for the good news of peace and salvation will say enthusiastically to God’s people, “Your God reigns!”.  The watchmen who are standing watch and waiting will lift up their voices to let the people know of the Lord’s coming, and everyone will witness with their own eyes the Lord’s return to Zion (the city of God).

Burst into songs of joy together,

you ruins of Jerusalem,

for the LORD has comforted his people,

he has redeemed Jerusalem.

The LORD will lay bare his holy arm

in the sight of all the nations,

and all the ends of the earth will see

the salvation of our God.  (Isaiah 52:9-10)

God’s people will erupt in collective shouts and songs of joy.  God’s people who have been subjected to the ravages of sin, will be able rejoice.  God will comfort His people for they will have been redeemed (bought back).  All nations, everyone (saved and unsaved alike) will see the results of God’s power and know God’s might.  Then they will know that God reigns and has brought salvation to His people.

Depart, depart, go out from there!

Touch no unclean thing!

Come out from it and be pure,

you who carry the articles of the LORD’s house.

But you will not leave in haste

or go in flight; for the LORD will go before you,

the God of Israel will be your rear guard. (Isaiah 52:11-12)

Those who have been living in oppression, chaos and fear will be called to come out of and depart from the evil places where they have had to live.  They will be called to leave those places and come to live with the Lord in Zion.  They won’t have to leave these places as someone fleeing in haste and fear.  They will leave under the security and protection of the Lord.  For the Lord will go before them as their vanguard to prepare the way, and will guard them from rear so that no harm will come to them from ambush or attacks.  They will be able to proceed from evil places to Zion in confidence and safety.

The prophet Isaiah gives this prophecy to God’s people as he looks to their return from Babylonian captivity, but also to a future time when the Jesus will come back victoriously to live with us forever.  The joy that Isaiah relates in these scenes is one that could only be experienced by people who have waited in long anticipation of being able to live under God’s reign instead of a reign of evil.  Where God reigns, peace reigns!  Where God reigns, salvation and eternal life reigns! Where God reigns, joy reigns!  As we go through the trials and tribulations that come into our lives, the prophet Isaiah reminds us that there is good news.  News of peace and salvation from the chaos, fear and evil in this world.  And the good news is this…. Our God still reigns!


Rev. Glenn 


Spiritual Awareness


Let Him Use You!