
But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.  They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.  John 1:12-13

My youngest daughter had the opportunity to do competitive cheer for several years growing up.  She enjoyed it, and my wife and I believed it afforded her many life lessons and opportunities to meet other girls who would become great friends.  This was not an opportunity afforded to many because of the cost required to go through the program.  My oldest daughter did not have the opportunity because it was not her passion and even if it were, it would have placed too great of a financial burden.  Neither she nor I feel like she was cheated out of anything, but at times, the youngest daughter tends to take the opportunities afforded her for granted.  I am not upset because she is still growing up and that just comes with the territory.  One day, she will be able to fully appreciate what we as parents did for her. And she will understand how great of a privilege she had to do it. 

It is truly a blessing to be a child of God.  The story of my youngest daughter brings me to something that I discovered perhaps I had taken for granted.  I originally believed while growing up that we all were children of God.  However, after reading today’s verses, it is not entirely accurate.  We are all created in God’s image for He said:

So God created human beings in his own image.
    In the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)

However, reading the first chapter of John should teach us that being a child of God is given by Him to ‘all who believed him and accepted him.’  Simple in reading, and important to note as information out in the world would seem to portray that all people are.  To be clear, we should not be saying others are not children of God.  However, we are given the right to be children of God.  Like grace, it is given by our belief and acceptance that Jesus Christ is God and Lord.  To know He exists is simply not enough.  It requires acknowledging Him.  It is a privilege given that all while given the opportunity are not privy to unless they too make that choice.  This should be of great motivation to us to encourage them to have the same opportunities as we have.

We truly serve an awesome God.  We have been given a privilege that we may not ever understand, but it is utterly amazing to be considered a child of God.  While it is offered to everyone, it only given to those who choose to both believe and except Jesus as God, and through it, we will be as Paul said to the Romans, “transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  Isn’t that wonderful?  Let us claim the right given by the Living God and encourage others to join us in embracing that simple truth.  How appreciative are you to be a child of God?  Who would you want to know how they too can have the same rights as us?  My prayer is we truly know how privileged it is to be called a child of God.  Amen.


Lord, Just Say The Word


The Power Of Extended Faith