Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

God Loves Them?

We are all expected to grow in many aspects. Not in height per say but experience, knowledge, and others. Some are not so easy. Dr. Martin Luther King presented one seemingly impossible one, which is to love your enemy. How can love someone you do not really like? Today’s devotion might start you down that very path …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

As He Sees Them

Who are your enemies? We often can think about that question and come up with some very easy answers. Usually, it is a collective group. Maybe a country or a group of people. But Jesus made the comment about loving our enemies. I often wondered if it was about our enemies and our treatment of them. As I thought about it, it goes far deeper than that …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Problem

How many of you have heard the expression ‘We have met the enemy, and he is us?’ It actually comes from a slogan from the World Fair decades ago, but the saying is prevalent to many things. We get in our own way when it comes to God too. Today’s devotion gives an idea of what that might look like …

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