Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

Good Good Father

Parents are funny. They laugh and smile at you knowing all the answers while you struggle to figure it all out. They scold you for seemingly no reason and can be frustrating to no end. Yet, outside of your spouse, significant other, or your own children, there is no greater love you will ever find. My Dad has been gone for a while now, but I remember on how he embodies so much of who a good man is. He is how I got to know my other Father. How? Check it out …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

A Counselor And Comforter

We all have to play various roles. I play a role at home as a husband and father. Some roles I fulfill better than others. There is one, Jesus Christ, who fills all the role well, but why was He even necessary? This week’s devotion covers these topics.

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