Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Guessing Game

I loved playing the guessing game with my children when they were younger. They would get so excited trying to figure out what my wife or I were hinting toward. But as they grew up, they became less excited about guessing and always wanted to know. God has plans for us, but they are not always easy to figure out. However, there is a way to know, and that's what today's devotion is about: how to know what God wants.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Never Lost

We all have times in life where we lose our place. We are unsure, and don’t know either where to go or who to turn to. As Christians, it’s easy to know the answer, but if it is so easy, why is it so hard to follow through? What’s the challenge? Perhaps we need to remember those times where we were previously lost and found our way. Today’s devotion speaks to that very process …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Representing Team Jesus

We all must lead in some capacity. Whether it is at work, home, or other venues, we all have a level of responsibility to lead someone else. What we tend to forget is that even if we do not have a responsibility to others, we always have one person we are responsible to: ourselves. But who is the most challenging person to lead? How does this connect to not only spiritual growth but also Kingdom building? My devotion this week talks about dealing with the most difficult person to lead and how they can grow and flourish …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

It’s Not Bragging If It Is Fact

Sometimes, we need to be confident in expressing what we know to be true especially as Christ followers. In a class I was teaching, it focused on something that is important for us to remember. It’s not bragging if it is fact..

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