Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

Assess and Believe

Preparing for the new year should be an exciting ritual. We can reflect on our past year looking at both challenges we’ve faced and overcome and areas where we can look to be better. No matter where you are today, believe that tomorrow always is a brighter day even amid darker times. Today’s devotion I hope will give you some insights how that might happen …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Have Faith

One of my favorite YouTube videos is a clip of a football player whose team had won a game against a team who was thought to be the far better team. As he gets to the microphone, he boasts, “To all the non-believers,” dedicating the win to the motivation provided by all those who doubted them. In life, we all have doubters. Most notably, they are the ones who seemed to have known you the longest. However, there are others who have always believed in the best for you. Today’s devotion is about one of those who has always believed …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

When You Believe …

Have I mentioned I love movies (LOL)? Okay. There’s an ending of a movie that was but part of a great trilogy. It has the final scene where good overcomes evil and the people are saved. When the wise person is asked if they always knew the ending would turn out as it did, they answered, “Oh no. No, I didn’t. But I believed … I believed.” Nothing can be achieved without a sincere belief in an outcome. Our relationship with Christ is very similar. How? Let’s see …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Greatest

We all have conversations about what is the greatest of all time. What is the greatest vacation you have been on? What’s the best moment of your life? The list could go on for days, but there can only be one ‘greatest’ of all. In our faith, what is the greatest of all? This special Tuesday edition of ‘Wednesday Wisdom’ explains exactly what that is …

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