Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams


Are you burdened by the weight of past mistakes and the struggle to find peace? Join me as I share a personal story from my college days, where a simple act of kindness at a restaurant taught me a profound lesson about grace and forgiveness. Through my own battles with anger, temptation, and dishonesty, I discovered a transformative truth: our past does not define us, and there is always a path to redemption.

Reflecting on these experiences, I found that true peace and assurance come from understanding the boundless grace that is available to all of us.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Too Comfortable

We love having days where we can just sit back and relax. Nothing that we need to do or responsibilities to take care of. It seems like all is right in the world. Maybe too right. Have you ever had that feeling that maybe something is wrong in that moment? Not that there is cause worry, but sometimes being comfortable might be a sign that something needs to change. That’s what today’s devotion is about. When comfort may not be where we want to be …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Finding Comfort

Growing up, there are some traditional hymnals that I remember even to this day. For example, I can recite ‘Blessed Assurance’ as if it is on my current playlist. In my mind, I even hear the organist playing. It is funny to me now because as I focus on the words, it has more relevancy in my journey of faith than ever before. It gives me comfort to know that is the relationship that I have with God. Where can you find comfort with God? Today’s devotion may give you some insight into that …

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