Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Good In Us

When struggling through my early teen years, I often wondered if I would ever be able to reach the lofty expectations had for me. Many of us felt that way. Did we hit the mark? Did we achieve the goals our parents had for us? Here is one many of us heard. Did we do better than what our parents did for us? Too often, we only see our failures. But you know what? Wherever you are in your journey, there is a lot of good you have done! Your parents know this. But guess who else needs to know this? Find out …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

For Goodness’ Sake

The silly things we remember from childhood. I can remember all the times I heard a parent say, “For goodness’ sake!” I even remember an obscure line from the movie ‘Ghostbusters’ has a part with actor Bill Murray singing, “So be good! For goodness sake!” As a kid, ‘goodness’ got such a bad rap! As I grew older though, I found that goodness is not only ‘good’ but to share it with others is dare I say ‘great!’ Today’s devotion is about goodness. Not just God’s goodness. But our own. Here’s why it matters …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Light That Leads To Life

The holidays are supposed to be the happiest time of the year. However, studies show that this time of the year can not only be the saddest time of the year but also the loneliest. That leads me to think about the latter two: sadness and loneliness. They are not exclusive at this time of the year. It can happen anytime and to anyone. So, how do we combat this? It starts with who you are and whose you are. That’s where my devotion for this week begins …

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