Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Great Problem Solver

We all can at times feel overwhelmed by life's challenges. However, there is the power of finding a sturdy foundation and learning from every storm you face. In today's devotion, we learn to embrace humility and growth while navigating through difficulties, realizing that sometimes the greatest strength comes from recognizing our own limitations.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Humble Example

Humility. Many hear that word and immediately have impressions of what it means. Some take it as something that is embarrassing. It is perceived as a sign of weakness and makes you both vulnerable to be taken advantage of or soft. However, others see its impact on those around them and in fact, it is a symbol of strength and badge of honor. Who is right? We have an answer in today’s devotion …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Strength In Being Humble

Humility sounds weak. It makes you seem below others or not up to the challenge. There are some words that sound like one thing but in reality mean another. Is it possible that humility sounds like weakness but in reality is strength? This week’s Wednesday’s Wisdom tackles that very question, and yes, there’s more to just a title.

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