Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

Right and Wrong

In a world where moral compasses often seem lost, there lies a universal truth within each of us—a built-in sense of right and wrong. Whether shaped by loving parents, personal experiences, or an innate instinct, this guiding principle transcends religious boundaries. Today’s devotion explores the profound idea that our conscience is not merely a societal construct but a divine imprint, urging us toward a life of integrity and purpose. Discover how this intrinsic moral code can lead us all, regardless of faith, to a more just and compassionate world.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Reunion

People have differing thoughts of high school reunions.  Some are of dread, and others are of curiosity.  Interestingly enough, mine was of excitement and anticipation just to see people.  I got a lot more than I bargained for, and I found out another answer to how God works ... 

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