Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

The ‘Hood

This week, we will get together with a few good friends or not just to hang out or maybe watch a game like the Super Bowl. It is always a fun time because we get to reminisce with old friends and maybe meet new ones. Whether you are hanging with people or going it alone, there is more relationship building that we all can work on. Why? Look at the example in today’s Devotion …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams


Have you ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat?” Last night’s dinner was Red Robin, and thus, a bacon cheeseburger and broccoli filled my tummy. That’s rare because typically we are a chicken and fish-based family. I note this not because the conversation is about what you eat. What today’s topic is what are you filling your mind with. Is it books? Sports? Biblical knowledge? There are lots of answers to that question, and the focus should not be on just what you choose. The most important thing is the result. That’s what today’s devotion is about …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Bad Gospel

When you eat something bad, it is the worst feeling. My wife had an experience after eating a sandwich on our honeymoon, and she refuses to go to that restaurant ever since. I even stayed away from it just remembering her experience. I share this because nothing could speak to the feeling one might get when someone gets the wrong message about who Jesus Christ is particularly if it is a horrible experience. That is what today’s devotion is about. How to avoid giving a bad experience …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Cry Out

We all have strength to endure many situations. Some might be work related and others are at home. In a world where relationships are far more challenging and yet many know us from a distance, it can be difficult to know who is struggling out there. Sometimes, the person struggling is the person you see in the mirror. What do you do? Today’s devotion is not about how strong you are. It’s about whose strength you can rely on …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

A Familiar Story

There can be nothing more heartbreaking than a broken relationship with someone you love and care for. It does not matter who is at fault, someone is wronged, and there is pain and anguish felt on one side or both. It is important to remember that while some relationships should remain distant, others are worth repair. We only need remember one of our most important relationships to understand why. Today’s devotion delves into the relationship and why it is a model for others …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Technically Fellowship

We’ve heard money is the root of all evil. We have also said technology is the enemy of true fellowship and connection. But is it? What if, like money, it’s not the enemy? What if the enemy is as it usually is? Us. How can God use us in that technological space? My devotion this week talks how fellowship and technology can be truly a God-based experience …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Meeting Expectations

With the new year comes new expectations. As we look back on the year 2021, we can assess how our relationship is with God. So, what can we celebrate? Are there things that we can improve on? What should we look forward to? My devotion this week focuses on God and what we need to build on that relationship.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Great I Am

There are times we are good, and there are times we are great. But what if we are good and we need ‘great?’ How do we find greatness when it is seemingly beyond our reach? Today’s Wednesday Wisdom speaks about the one who always produces greatness. May you and your family have a safe and Happy New Year!

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Never Lost

We all have times in life where we lose our place. We are unsure, and don’t know either where to go or who to turn to. As Christians, it’s easy to know the answer, but if it is so easy, why is it so hard to follow through? What’s the challenge? Perhaps we need to remember those times where we were previously lost and found our way. Today’s devotion speaks to that very process …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Representing Team Jesus

We all must lead in some capacity. Whether it is at work, home, or other venues, we all have a level of responsibility to lead someone else. What we tend to forget is that even if we do not have a responsibility to others, we always have one person we are responsible to: ourselves. But who is the most challenging person to lead? How does this connect to not only spiritual growth but also Kingdom building? My devotion this week talks about dealing with the most difficult person to lead and how they can grow and flourish …

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Ernest Glenn Ernest Glenn

Only A Prayer Away

You can cry out to Him anytime, in whatever situation you find yourself. For He is the One who hears and answers the prayers of His people.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Choose Love

Whether we realize it or not, we … have a choice. We can choose to amplify those things that represent God’s love or focus on those things that may make us feel good but do not focus God.

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