Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

Juneteenth - Freedom

Juneteenth marks the celebration of slavery ending in the United States. When observing this date, one might look at the obvious link between freedom from slavery and freedom from sin through Christ. While that is indeed true, the story of Christ and the slave community goes far deeper than that …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

A Love Story - The Dark Ages

Have you ever read or watched a tragedy? You see people feel lost and out of sorts, and they can’t see past their current situation. We often feel our lives are like a Greek tragedy where we are destined to fall. But what if the darkest times were a precursor to the best? How would you respond? Today’s devotion is about gaining certainty in these uncertain times …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Bad Guy

Whenever we watch a movie, we always identify with two common sides. We all identify with a person trying to do good, and we often have either disdain or loathing for the character often regarded as ‘the bad guy.’ You know the type, right? The person who does things that are clearly out of bounds or evil. We could never be that person. Or could we? Maybe we all have a bit more in common with them that we would like to admit. I’m not saying we are bad people. But sometimes, we need to know that we are ‘The Bad Guy.’ Today’s devotion points out how …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Simple Truth

My wife and I differ on lots of things. However, what I know is that God put her in my life to constantly remind me of one simple truth. Today's devotion shares not only her favorite verse but also why we as a couple work …

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