Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

Spiritual Output

You are what you eat. That is a saying from health gurus that goes back to when I was a child. It focuses on the idea that if you eat healthy you will live healthily. I’ve recently discovered that I feel better when I drink more water. This led me to realize something that I do that impacts my mental stability. When I look at social media, I have learned to tune out anything that is either overly negative or glass ‘half-empty.’ It has nothing to do with how well I know them or if they have a political or personal affiliation. It has everything to do with who I am and what I want to put out in the world. Today’s devotion is about putting the right things out by taking the right thing in …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Second Nature

We live life in a constant struggle within ourselves. There are things we want to do and things we need to do. There are voices within us constantly telling us one or the other. Do we listen to them? Should we listen to them? If so, when and which one? My devotion today talks about those voices and how to follow the ‘right’ voice …

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