There’s Nobody Like The Lord!

In a matter of days, I will have the privilege of officiating the Baby Dedication Ceremony for my 10 month old grandson. I will lead his parents and others in our family as we dedicate ourselves to raise him to know the Lord. What a great blessing! Not only to have lived long enough to see and hold grandchildren, but to be able to praise God to another generation of my family. In Psalm 71:12-21, an aging Psalmist speaks of a life of praise for who God is and what God had done for him. His trust in God pours out through the Psalm, whether asking God to shame and disgrace his enemies, or asking God to preserve his life so that he can praise Him to the next generation. The Psalmist finally asks a rhetorical question, “Who is like you, God?”. The answer of course is no one! After a lifetime of trusting and praising God, the Psalmist is far from finished and ends by praising God for future deliverances. I pray that you would continue to trust God and praise Him for what He has done and what He will do in your life, and then share with the next generation that there’s nobody like Him!

Worship and praise God with Maranda Curtis, singing “Nobody Like You Lord”

Do not be far from me, my God;

come quickly, God, to help me.

May my accusers perish in shame;

may those who want to harm me

be covered with scorn and disgrace.  (Psalm 71:12-13) The Psalmist asked God to come quickly to save him from those who wanted to harm him in his old age.  He asked God to turn the tables on those who wanted to harm him, to shame them, leaving them scorned and disgraced.  God is a present help In the time of trouble.  Call on the Him and watch Him work! 

As for me, I will always have hope;

I will praise you more and more.

My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds,

of your saving acts all day long—

though I know not how to relate them all.

I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign LORD;

I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. 

Since my youth, God, you have taught me,

and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.

Even when I am old and gray,

do not forsake me, my God,

till I declare your power to the next generation,

your mighty acts to all who are to come. (Psalm 71:14-18) The Psalmist declared that he would continue to proclaim God’s righteous acts and marvelous deeds and salvation.  He had done this from the time of his youth and would continue to do so even in his old age.  He asked God not to forsake him until he had a chance to declare God’s power and mighty acts of salvation to the next generation.  We are all called upon to praise God and declare His mighty acts to the next generation so they will know Him and live!

Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens,

you who have done great things.

Who is like you, God?

Though you have made me see troubles,

many and bitter,

you will restore my life again;

from the depths of the earth

you will again bring me up.

You will increase my honor

and comfort me once more. (Psalm 71:19-21) The Psalmist asked the question “Who is like you, God?”.  The answer is, there’s no one like Him!  No one else who could do the great things that God has done for you.  No one else who could give you new life.  No one else who could pull you up from the depths of despair and comfort you.  No one else who could put you in a place of honor even in the presence of your enemies. The Psalmist ends with praise for what God will yet do in the future!  You can search the world over, but there’s no one like God!

When I look back over my life, I can see the hand of God working to protect me, guide me, bless me and deliver me. Maybe you can too. The Psalmist reminds us not only to trust God but to praise Him for His mighty acts of deliverance and salvation. Having lived a lifetime into old age, the Psalmist asks God not to forsake him until he can praise God to the next generation. And in this psalm, the Psalmist has reached generations upon generations that are still moved by his praise and encouraged to also put their trust in God. Are we reaching generations to tell them of the goodness of God and what He has done for us throughout our lives? For He has been, is and will ever be our hope. And the truth of the matter is this… God has proven from generation to generation that there’s nobody like Him! (Now go and share that praise with somebody!).

Blessings, Rev. Glenn

“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts” ~ Psalm 145:3-4


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