Praise Him Because He Reigns Forever

What do you praise God for? Do you praise Him because He was good to you and delivered you from some situations that could have destroyed you? Do you praise Him because He is currently blessing you with something that you have been praying for? We often praise God for what He’s done in the past or what He’s doing for us right now. But we should also praise Him for what He will do. Because God is faithful, we can praise Him in advance, knowing that He will do just what He said! In Revelation 11:15-19, John is shown the end of the earthly rule of satan and the reign of God extending to the earth as well as heaven. There is a great show of praise in heaven because of the coming reign, judgment and reward by God. And while these things have not come to pass yet, we can praise God now for what He has promised us, because we believe and have faith that His word is true. Let the people of God say Amen!

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:

“The kingdom of the world has become

the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah,

and he will reign for ever and ever.”

And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, (Revelation 11:15-16) The final trumpet is sounded by the seventh angel. At its sounding, there is loud praise in heaven, the result of raised shouts coming from great multitudes - including the angels. The praise is in recognition that Christ reigns heaven and earth and His reign is eternal. It is the fulfillment of the plea we express in the Lord’s Prayer ….“thy kingdom come”. At the sound of the trumpet, the twenty-four elders (representing Israel and the church) bow down and worship God. They fall down into a posture of reverence and submission, worshiping with their faces to the ground in acknowledgement of God’s demonstrated power and authority over all things. Praise God that His kingdom has come and He reigns in your heart and over your life.


“We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty,

the One who is and who was,

because you have taken your great power

and have begun to reign.

The nations were angry,

and your wrath has come.

The time has come for judging the dead,

and for rewarding your servants the prophets

and your people who revere your name,

both great and small —

and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”

Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm. (Revelation 11:17-19) The worship and praise in this revelation given to John, begins with thanks to God who is almighty (He has all power) and who is, was and always will be (He is eternal). There is praise and worship in heaven because God has demonstrated His power over evil. God’s conflict with sin and with satan is over and Christ’s reign has now begun. The nations had “raged” in rebellion against God, but their rebellion has now been put down. And so, there is also praise because the day of the LORD’s judgement is at hand. The dead will be judged, as will those who have been destroying the earth through corruption and the persecution of God’s people. Not only is there praise for the eternal judgment of the wicked but there is also praise for the reward that will be given to the prophets and to all those who revere the name of the LORD. Their reward is to be in the presence, protection and provision of God for eternity. Like a child anticipates great gifts from his parents at Christmas, I’m praising my Father in heaven in anticipation of my great reward!

The beautiful thing about God is that no matter how dark a time we sometimes have to endure… with the LORD, joy comes in the morning. He promises that He will deliver us to a better place. His revelation to John shows us the immense joy that He will bring to pass for His children, who are those who revere His name. The sound of the 7th trumpet signaled to everyone that the final machinations of God’s reign had begun. And the shouts of praise and worship from those who will receive God’s reward began to ring throughout heaven. Whether there’s something you are asking God to do in the near term in answer to your prayers or standing on His faithfulness to His eternal promises, you can praise Him right now…even before you can see it manifest in the physical realm. Praise Him now because His word is true. Praise Him now because He is faithful. And praise Him now, even as you look forward to the day when His kingdom reign will be complete over the entire earth just like He reigns in heaven. And shout out praise to Him because He will reign forever…let the people of God say Amen!


Rev. Glenn

Declare God’s reign with William Murphy as he sings “You Reign


The Rest Of The Story


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