We Are Thankful For It

What I mean is this: the one who sows a small number of seeds will also reap a small crop, and the one who sows a generous amount of seeds will also reap a generous crop.

 Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart. They shouldn’t give with hesitation or because of pressure. God loves a cheerful giver. God has the power to provide you with more than enough of every kind of grace. That way, you will have everything you need always and in everything to provide more than enough for every kind of good work. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 CEB

I’m sure you remember one of the speeches from your parents when you were younger talking about how easy we had it compared to them, right?  Comedians used to talk about it all the time.  It would usually begin with an absurdly ridiculous statement which may or may not have happened, and then it would end with the phrase, “and we were thankful for it.”  For example, a kid might say they hate eating spinach, and the dad would chime in saying, “You hate, eating spinach?  Well let me tell you!  We didn’t even have money for spinach!  We went to the neighbor’s house to mow their lawn, and saved the grass clipping for dinner because we had no lawn!  And we were thankful for it!”  As a parent, my wife and I would talk about how we spoil our youngest child, and we go through the same ritual our parents put us through.  But there is an underlying cause behind that feeling, and it’s called wants.

 We all want things, and sometimes that is not a bad thing.  Wanting to have a nice home, a safe environment, a pantry filled with food, clean clothes, and other things are natural.  Many of us are blessed with such amenities, and we often take for granted that some people do not those things.  I remember when I was younger struggling with only buttered popcorn in the cabinet for dinner and having electricity cut off because I did not have money to cover the bill.  Now, I do not want to give the impression that I was in any danger as my parents would have bailed me out whereas many others did not have such a safety net.  Nonetheless, having dealt with that experience and fought through it helped me to be thankful for today’s blessings.  Some of you have similar experiences as the very motivation to where you are today.  Yet, we still need to remember these things neither as a source of pride nor badge of honor.  Instead, it is to understand the difference between what it is that we truly need versus how content we should be with what God has given us.  Furthermore, it is a reminder to give to others so they too can be blessed by God through our gifts.

Contentment means understanding just how abundant God truly is.  Being a joyful giver goes beyond Sundays.  It is a state of mind that says we have been given so much by God, and in return, we are to give as He has given to us.  My tithing at church is a part of giving, but it goes beyond just that.  Giving time to a friend, helping someone with a meal, and even volunteering for a noteworthy cause are all ways of giving back.  But the key to giving is acknowledging just how much God has given.  I complain all the time to my wife because she is bringing in something from her job for the grandchildren.  “I love my grandbabies,” she says as I factor in how we budget for this new bill we must pay.  Yet, I am grateful God has provided for and allowed us to give not only to them but also causes like sponsoring missionaries.  There are so many more things I could buy, but God asks that we look at what seeds we have sown, and as such give cheerfully.  It does not mean to choose between paying the mortgage and sending a check to the homeless.  However, if prompted by the Holy Spirit, downsizing a house to be able to give more to those in need may be something to consider as some have done.  It is a conversation between God and you, and He doesn’t want our money.  He wants our hearts.

God truly is all we need.  He is our provider.  Paul outlines this in his letter to the Philippians stating:

I now have plenty and it is more than enough. I am full to overflowing because I received the gifts that you sent from Epaphroditus. Those gifts give off a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice that pleases God. My God will meet your every need out of his riches in the glory that is found in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:18-19 CEB

Let us remember those riches found in Christ and how our God is a God of abundance.  What is preventing you from being content?  How much more are you willing to give for God’s glory?  My prayer is we are accepting of all God has given us and as our parents would say, “We are thankful for it.” Amen.


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