With Your Whole Heart!

Is there anyone who really loves the lackluster or average when they are looking to purchase something or experience something that moves them? I lost my phone last week and I can tell you from experience how dependent we have become on these devices. Once I realized that I would not find my phone, I immediately began looking to purchase a new phone. I looked at multiple sites for deals and reviews on phones and features. I consulted with my son who manages all of my electronic connections (tv, phone, mobile phone, etc). We debated what was the “best” device for my next phone purchase. I ended up purchasing an iPhone 13, which just debuted in the last month. Just as we don’t want the “mediocre” in our lives, God doesn’t want us to have a mediocre, half hearted relationship with Him. In Psalm 9:1-12, David gives us a view to the type of praise he gave to God in general (with his whole heart), his praise of God specifically for his attribute of righteousness and his praise of God for His care and concern of the afflicted and oppressed. My prayer is that the next time you have an opportunity to praise God (and you always have an opportunity to praise God!), that you give him your best praise…for He is worthy to be praised!

I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart;

I will tell of all Your marvelous works.

I will be glad and rejoice in You;

I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.

(Psalm 9:1-3) This is a Psalm of David. He began the Psalm by praising God. And his praise was more than just casual or perfunctory. David praised God with his whole heart. David’s praise included his testimony (telling others what God had done for him), being glad and rejoicing in his relationship with God, and singing praise to the one whose name is above every other name. We have so many ways to praise God and so many things to praise Him for! Just do it!

When my enemies turn back,

They shall fall and perish at Your presence.

For You have maintained my right and my cause;

You sat on the throne judging in righteousness.

You have rebuked the nations,

You have destroyed the wicked;

You have blotted out their name forever and ever.

O enemy, destructions are finished forever!

And you have destroyed cities;

Even their memory has perished.

But the LORD shall endure forever;

He has prepared His throne for judgment.

He shall judge the world in righteousness,

And He shall administer judgment for the peoples in uprightness. (Psalm 9:4-8)

After praising God in general, David began to praise God specifically for His judgment against David’s enemies. And even though David is happy that God’s judgment of destruction is against his enemies, at the root of David’s praises is that God’s judgments are righteous. In fact, righteousness is an attribute of God that we should all praise as we suffer through injustice and indifference in this broken and corrupted world. David praised the righteous judgments of God against the enemies of God, who also happen to be David’s enemies too. David praised God’s judgments against His enemies for being righteous, but also because God acted to destroy His enemies throughout the nations. And they are destroyed forever. This also gives a view to how God will judge everyone (“the world”) one day, and those who are against Him (His enemies) will suffer God’s wrath. David said that while His enemies are rebuked, destroyed and and their names blotted out forever, by contrast the Lord will endure forever. The enemies of God will not be allowed to act capriciously forever. God is righteous and judges accordingly. Truth will reign in due time and wrong will be punished.

The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed,

A refuge in times of trouble.

And those who know Your name will put their trust in You;

For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.

Sing praises to the LORD, who dwells in Zion!

Declare His deeds among the people.

When He avenges blood, He remembers them;

He does not forget the cry of the humble. (Psalm 9:9-12)

In addition to praising God for His righteous judgment and the punishment of His enemies, David also praised Him for being a refuge for the oppressed in their time of trouble. David said that those who know the LORD’s name will trust Him. That statement speaks of being in a “relationship” with God. Those who know the LORD’s name are those who have a close and intimate relationship with Him. They will trust in God and He will not forsake them. Sometimes it feels like God doesn’t hear us, or is not with us in our valley experiences. But David’s psalm assures the people of God that they can trust in the God that they have a relationship with, because He is faithful. He will never forsake them, He remembers them and He doesn’t forget the cries of those who humbly call upon Him. So David tells all God’s people to praise Him and declare to others what the LORD has done! We can praise God, for He is faithful to remember those of us who love Him and to hear our cry! We can trust that He will not forsake us.

What is your relationship with God? Is it just a casual relationship where you worship Him one day a week or you only seek Him when you are going through something? Do you break out in spontaneous praise and give thanks to Him for the things that He has done in your life? Do you trust the LORD because you have found Him to be faithful in your valley experiences? Relationship matters! Our relationship with God matters in our daily lives through our trials and tribulations. But there will also come a time when God will judge the world and everyone in it. His judgement will not be based on status, wealth or intellect. He will judge righteously. And at that time, our relationship with Him will also make a difference…eternally. The enemies of God will be dealt with in wrath. The people of God will be remembered and will not be forsaken. He will not forget our cries and our trust in Him. He will love us and keep us eternally. And the people of God will praise Him forever…with our whole heart!


Rev Glenn


The Heart Of The Matter


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