Your Setback? Maybe Your Set Up!

It is sad to see the images daily from Ukraine. Refugees escaping across borders…Hospitals and homes being bombed and shelled with missiles…cities of people cut off from food, water and electricity. These are the images that arise from a disregard for human life and a willingness to commit atrocities for the sake of power and control. But interestingly, most observers believe that Putin's plan to intimidate and destabilize Europe has actually had the reverse effect, and instead, strengthened NATO and the European Union for the future. In Ezra 6:1-12, the people with political and economic power in Jerusalem tried to employ tactics that would harass and subjugate the Jewish people and halt the building of the temple. But God used the actions of their enemies to further His plan for His people to rebuild the temple. This week, I pray that God will cause the enemy’s actions to further His purpose and His plans through your obedience and your service. Amen.

King Darius then issued an order, and they searched in the archives stored in the treasury at Babylon. A scroll was found in the citadel of Ecbatana in the province of Media, and this was written on it: (Ezra 6:1-2) Tattenai had called upon king Darius to find the decree that was issued when the exiles came back to Jerusalem. His motive was to prove that they were not authorized to rebuild the temple, and thus halt the temple rebuilding project. But God’s hand can be seen with regard to king Darius’ order to search the records, and also in the diligence with which the search was conducted. Initially, the archives in Babylon were searched, and the search could very well have ended there. However, failing to find the scroll in Babylon, the search expanded into the southern province of Media to the citadel at Ecbatana (Susa). That’s where a scroll with the details of king Cyrus’ decree was found. When we are operating in His will, God will not allow His purposes to be thwarted. His divine hand moves to accomplish what He has ordained.


In the first year of King Cyrus, the king issued a decree concerning the temple of God in Jerusalem:

Let the temple be rebuilt as a place to present sacrifices, and let its foundations be laid. It is to be sixty cubits high and sixty cubits wide, with three courses of large stones and one of timbers. The costs are to be paid by the royal treasury. Also, the gold and silver articles of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took from the temple in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, are to be returned to their places in the temple in Jerusalem; they are to be deposited in the house of God. (Ezra 6:3-5) The scroll that was found had an official memo regarding the decree king Cyrus issued authorizing the return of Jewish exiles to Judea. 3 details were noted in the memorandum. First, It called for the temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem and stipulated the dimensions of the temple and courses of stone and timber. Additionally, it committed the royal treasury to finance the rebuilding of the temple. Finally, it required that the articles that had been taken from the temple by Nebuchadnezzar were to be returned and put in their places in the temple. What your enemy tried to use as your stumbling block, God can use as your stepping stone!

Now then, Tattenai, governor of Trans-Euphrates, and Shethar-Bozenai and you other officials of that province, stay away from there. Do not interfere with the work on this temple of God. Let the governor of the Jews and the Jewish elders rebuild this house of God on its site.

Moreover, I hereby decree what you are to do for these elders of the Jews in the construction of this house of God:

Their expenses are to be fully paid out of the royal treasury, from the revenues of Trans-Euphrates, so that the work will not stop. Whatever is needed—young bulls, rams, male lambs for burnt offerings to the God of heaven, and wheat, salt, wine and olive oil, as requested by the priests in Jerusalem—must be given them daily without fail, so that they may offer sacrifices pleasing to the God of heaven and pray for the well-being of the king and his sons.

Furthermore, I decree that if anyone defies this edict, a beam is to be pulled from their house and they are to be impaled on it. And for this crime their house is to be made a pile of rubble. May God, who has caused his Name to dwell there, overthrow any king or people who lifts a hand to change this decree or to destroy this temple in Jerusalem. I Darius have decreed it. Let it be carried out with diligence. (Ezra 6:6-12) The details contained in the scroll foiled Tattenai’s plans to halt the rebuilding of the temple. Instead, king Darius issued his own decree with 3 instructions directed at Tattenai and his co-conspirators. They were specifically to (1) leave the Jews alone and to not interfere with the rebuilding of the temple. They were to (2) use the tax money from their collections to help finance the temple rebuild and supply animals daily for the sacrifices. And they were to (3) put to death anyone who disobeyed the decree by impaling them on a beam from that person’s house and further, that house was to be demolished. God turned Tattenai’s own plans against him with protection (under threat of capital punishment) for the Jews and the rebuilding of the temple, as well as financing to support the rebuild and animal sacrifices. What a mighty God we serve…He’ll fight your battles and make your enemy your footstool!

Scripture often reminds us that God can use even our enemies to bless us. When addressing his brother’s and their sin of selling him into slavery and attempting to put an end to his life, Joseph said “you meant for evil against me, but God meant it for good…” (Gen. 50:20). God has the power to take your trials and turn them into your triumphs. What have you been fighting, and with whom? Does it feel like you are losing the battle? We serve the One whom scripture calls out as the Almighty. When we are operating according to His will and in His Spirit, we can call on Him and watch Him go to work. We may not be able to win the battle in our own power, but we know the One who has never lost a battle! He can make even your enemy be your blessing. Whatever the enemy is bringing against you, don’t give up. Your circumstance may look like a setback to you right now… but with God, your setback can be your set up for something great!


Rev. Glenn

Here’s an encouragement for the battle from Ce Ce Winans - Never Lost


Trusting The Process


A Familiar Story