Insights of Hope

God, Jesus Kent Williams God, Jesus Kent Williams

Pouring In

Lately I have started to write a blog about more than just God. For those who believe it is to promote myself, it has little to do with it. There are family and friends that shared wisdom with me over the years, and when I share it with others, they are incredibly receptive to it. I heard the expression that a lot of people poured into you with the hope that you would make a difference. Thus, I am trying to return the favor. Today’s devotion echoes that concept of what you put in will eventually come out …

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God, Jesus Kent Williams God, Jesus Kent Williams

Go And Do

Throughout our lives, we are led to ponder on a simple question.  Why?  That is often a valuable question to understand motivations, causes, and even its necessity.  But what if that question is not answered?  What if you are left to ponder and determine what to do?  Hopefully, you can trust your judgment based on the information given to you.  When it comes to God, He does not always give you are reason to do what it asked of you.  He simply asks you to trust Him.  Can you?  Of course!  Today’s devotion tells us why …

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God, Jesus Kent Williams God, Jesus Kent Williams


Is the glass half full or half empty? It sounds like such a silly question, but it does say a lot about our perspective. My mom never complained about the milk container being half full. But there is something to be said about the reality of a situation. I do not ever want to be unrealistic and inauthentic. But I do want to be encouraging of others and positive in doing so. How? That’s where today’s devotion starts …

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