It’s Friday…But Sunday’s Coming
Good Friday! It’s such an oxymoronic label for a day when Christians observe the death of the Savior of the world. A fateful day when all seemed lost and the events taking place seemed anything but good. A day when Jesus disciples were scattered and distraught, their faith was shattered, they went into hiding, and they wondered what would become of their lives. A day so gruesome that darkness filled the sky at noon, the earth shook, the temple curtain was torn in two and tombs were broken open.
How does a Christian find hope in such a disastrous day? How do you find hope in the darkness of your loss and in the devastating setbacks in your life? The answer is, that as bleak as things looked on that Friday, there’s one thing that changed everything and caused those disciples and all Christians ever since to look at their trials differently. What did they find out that changed everything? They discovered that It may be “Friday” in your life right now…. But Sunday’s coming!
Click on the link and Listen to this classic message from S. M. Lockridge “It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming”