Not Enough
For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11
When I took my first shower, I was proud of myself. I put soap on my washcloth and sat under the water. It was fun, and things seemed to be well under control until my mom showed up! To her, my sitting under the water was simply not enough. She pointed out how I had missed washing my ankles and armpits, and back into the shower I went! It was mortifying, but I appreciated her thoughts because if she had not said anything, I would not have known how to ensure my cleanliness. My wife thanks her too 😊
We all have moments where we think we are doing enough only to realize that maybe it is not enough. For example, this is a vacation week, and time with my wife and grandchildren has been very rewarding. While hanging out with them, I got a message from a good friend. They admitted there were some challenges ahead, and at that moment, I said a prayer for them. However, something grabbed at me as if God was saying to me, “That’s not enough.” So, I made sure they knew I was available to talk with them if needed. It was a necessary reminder that if we can avail ourselves to others beyond just thoughts and prayers, we should.
Extending ourselves to others in need is part of God’s plan. As I thought about helping friends, today’s verses were swirling in my head. Digging a bit deeper, I reflected on God’s love for us. He has every right to condemn us, but through Christ, He chose to forgive us. As such we are given full access to His power. David said: “My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.” (Psalm 62:7) However, even Jesus Himself foretold of us having troubles in the world. In those moments, we must remember to reach out and ask for help. While God is our refuge, He has people in our lives for those challenging times. Along those lines, we are also people in others lives for the season of trials they are dealing with. If we sense something is wrong, then perhaps that is God prompting us to act beyond what we would ordinarily do. That is at the heart of what Paul is saying. God, while having every right to condemn us, chose to help us, and along those lines, we too are to help others whether friend or foe, Christian or agnostic, and always when prompted by God.
God wants us to serve Him. Not others. This is one of those easy to understand and yet hard to follow sayings. It is easy to follow God when it aligns with what we want, but spiritual growth happens when God wants from us what we do not want to give. Remember, these are opportunities for us to gain greater understanding of who God is to us. Do not shy away. Take on the challenge of being willing to give a little more than what we would normally expect of ourselves. What part of your faith has God prompted you to give more of? Who can you encourage and build up in the days and weeks to come? My prayer is we evaluate our willingness to help others and know when God is saying that it is not enough. Amen.