Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

Juneteenth - Freedom

Juneteenth marks the celebration of slavery ending in the United States. When observing this date, one might look at the obvious link between freedom from slavery and freedom from sin through Christ. While that is indeed true, the story of Christ and the slave community goes far deeper than that …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Love & Respect

In our youth, the prospect of parental discipline loomed large, yet it was the undercurrent of respect that truly shaped us. This respect fostered a unique acceptance for our parents' guidance, unlike any other. Coupled with the warmth of love, it begs the question: Are respect and love truly opposites, or do they intertwine? Today's devotion challenges us to explore the interplay between love, fear, and respect, and the answer might surprise you …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Savior vs. Doer

Actions speak louder than words. We all understand that to be true. However, there are times where that may not be as accurate as we’ve been told. For example, a friend who gives you a hundred dollars might seem more valuable than the one who could only give you $20. But what if the one who gave you $20 did not have anything left to give while the one who gave you $100 had thousands but only gave you $100? You see there’s more to giving than just an amount. There’s what is in a person’s heart. Today’s devotion focuses on what’s in the heart. Not the wallet …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Assess and Believe

Preparing for the new year should be an exciting ritual. We can reflect on our past year looking at both challenges we’ve faced and overcome and areas where we can look to be better. No matter where you are today, believe that tomorrow always is a brighter day even amid darker times. Today’s devotion I hope will give you some insights how that might happen …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Let It Shine

We all have moments of self-doubt. We believe who we are, and yet, we hear so much of who we are that we begin to question if that person that we believe we are truly exists. Today’s devotion is about fighting to be the person God wants us to be. So, if you are challenged by the person others say you are, this is for you …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams


Sometimes we focus too much on what is said and not enough on what it means. For example, when someone says, do not walk across the frozen pond, that does not mean you cannot walk across the bridge above it. You minimize your options when you focus on what you cannot do and can accomplish more by focusing on what you can do. Today’s devotion is an exercise on understanding how sometimes God’s words show a restriction that gives more freedom.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Great Shepherd

Have you ever had someone who you could hear their voice amongst the crowd? My father was someone who I could hear no matter how he talked. A friend remarked in amazement when I heard my Dad call me from the other end of the household. It was a sign not only of keen listening but also respect for who he was. There is another voice we can hear no matter where we are. We just have to listen to Him. It’s a wonderful thing, and that’s what today’s devotion is about …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams


In life, we do a lot of counting. We count how much we have in our bank account. We count how many days it is before vacation. Some may even count how many cars they have in their garage (full disclosure, I am not that guy 😊). However, we all have things that were earned, given, and maybe even discovered by accident. All of these have value, and yet, without a conscious effort, we can take them for granted. The love of a spouse. Having both of your parents. Having children. Some people do not have any of those things. But there whether you have little or lots, there is a lot to be thankful for. Today’s devotion will help you understand why …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Prayerfully & Considerately

“Kent, you need to be considerate of what others are doing,” my mother would tell me. That seems counterintuitive to what many might say. Live out your own dreams! Do you! These are phrases often said in response to living a life in servitude toward others. I do not agree. You see, what good is a dream if it only benefits you? Who wants to be ‘you’ and alone? Do not get this wrong. We should always be supportive of each other’s aspirations and dreams. But we need each other to make it work, and the only way to do that is to think about each other. How? That’s what today’s devotion delves into …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Their Views

Politics is part of our society. There are many issues that we could debate on what is right and wrong. Many believe faith plays a role in it. There are times where that is certainly the case. However, where do we draw a line? Are there things that are bigger than our political stance? While the water can at times be murky, there are times it should never apply. Here’s why …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Good In Us

When struggling through my early teen years, I often wondered if I would ever be able to reach the lofty expectations had for me. Many of us felt that way. Did we hit the mark? Did we achieve the goals our parents had for us? Here is one many of us heard. Did we do better than what our parents did for us? Too often, we only see our failures. But you know what? Wherever you are in your journey, there is a lot of good you have done! Your parents know this. But guess who else needs to know this? Find out …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Taking The L

Everyone revels in winning. Whether it is at work or home, no one wants to lose. In fact, some people do not know how to lose. But what if I told you that sometimes a loss is not really a loss. Mature couples know that if you win all the time, the other side has to lose, and would you want your better half to be a loser? Maybe 😊 But the question is if you would lose a battle to win a war, would you? That answer is yes. There is a group of people who lost all the time, and yet won not only in the end but also for others who did not even know them. Who? Find out here …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Bad Gospel

When you eat something bad, it is the worst feeling. My wife had an experience after eating a sandwich on our honeymoon, and she refuses to go to that restaurant ever since. I even stayed away from it just remembering her experience. I share this because nothing could speak to the feeling one might get when someone gets the wrong message about who Jesus Christ is particularly if it is a horrible experience. That is what today’s devotion is about. How to avoid giving a bad experience …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Be Quiet

By nature, I am a talker. I grew up with a Dad who spoke to his team and a mom speaking hours on the phone. And if you think that is bad, my brother was a news reporter. You would think I spent a lot of time talking over my siblings. Not at all. I was ‘the quiet one.’ That was probably the best thing for me because I learned a lot in those times. Being quiet is often an undervalued trait, but if you talk less, you hear more. And if you good at it, you often hear the quiet voices that share the most valuable lessons. That’s what today’s devotion is about. Simply being quiet …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Perfect Peace

We are not perfect. There are things we can do well consistently and even get right all the time. However, even the most accurate people can get the simplest thing wrong. A chef who cuts vegetables all the time can accidentally cut themselves when distracted. The best professional will make a mistake when under pressure. While there are always moments we find perfection, there is nothing that is always perfect. Or is there? I have found one thing that is always perfect. Here’s what it is, and it could one day save you …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Spiritual Awareness

My life has been very unique. I’ve been blessed to experience many different perspectives that have helped me understand a certain truth. Sometimes what may be good for one person is not good for the other. It does not make it right or wrong. It does make it necessary for one to have a sense of balance in their life. That’s what today’s devotion is about: finding a healthy balance …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Have You Considered This?

Who in your life have you relied on for counsel? Some are very direct and tell you exactly what to do. Others, provide no answers at all and leave you lost. The best counsel however comes from those who know what to do but provide guidance so that one can figure it out on their own. As a Christian, we often see God as the authority. While that is true, we tend to forget that He is also wise counsel. That’s what today’s devotion centers on ….

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God, Jesus Kent Williams God, Jesus Kent Williams

Go And Do

Throughout our lives, we are led to ponder on a simple question.  Why?  That is often a valuable question to understand motivations, causes, and even its necessity.  But what if that question is not answered?  What if you are left to ponder and determine what to do?  Hopefully, you can trust your judgment based on the information given to you.  When it comes to God, He does not always give you are reason to do what it asked of you.  He simply asks you to trust Him.  Can you?  Of course!  Today’s devotion tells us why …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

For Goodness’ Sake

The silly things we remember from childhood. I can remember all the times I heard a parent say, “For goodness’ sake!” I even remember an obscure line from the movie ‘Ghostbusters’ has a part with actor Bill Murray singing, “So be good! For goodness sake!” As a kid, ‘goodness’ got such a bad rap! As I grew older though, I found that goodness is not only ‘good’ but to share it with others is dare I say ‘great!’ Today’s devotion is about goodness. Not just God’s goodness. But our own. Here’s why it matters …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

It Is Finished

A few years ago, my favorite show had its final episode. It was a great series that I enjoyed until the very finish, but like all good shows, you are never really sure if it is the end. Jesus knew the crucifixion would not be the end, but as today’s devotion points out, it had a vital purpose …

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