Tough Times, God’s Faithfulness

The thought of my suffering and homelessness
    is bitter beyond words.
I will never forget this awful time,
    as I grieve over my loss.
Yet I still dare to hope
    when I remember this:

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
    His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
    his mercies begin afresh each morning.  Lamentations 3:19-23


Days like today are always somber ones.  It feels like just yesterday that we were watching in horror and sadness as the day's events unfolded.  For me, and for many of you, the memories are vivid.  You remember exactly where you were and what you were doing.  You recall the conversations, the emotions, and perhaps even the tears that accompanied those moments.  As I reflect on today, I realize that there are members of my team who were not even born when these events occurred and have no personal context for those experiences. This realization brings to mind how my father, who served in World War II, must have felt while raising his three sons. He carried memories and emotions that we could not fully understand.  Later that evening, I went to visit him, and we spent time watching the news and talking.  It is one of my last memories of him, and it remains deeply etched in my heart.

In the face of tragedy, we often find ourselves grappling with profound questions.  Where was God, and why would He allow such sorrow to unfold?  These are not easy questions, and the answers may elude us. One of my former pastors once addressed this very topic in a sermon.  He admitted, “I honestly do not know what God is thinking or why He allowed such a thing to occur.  But I do know this: He cares deeply for us, and His love is boundless.  He is our comforter in times of grief.”   Another pastor, when consoling me after a tragic death in my family, offered a different perspective. He reminded me that sometimes, evil wins because we live in a fallen world. This world is not as it was intended to be, and suffering is, unfortunately, a part of life.  I find solace in these explanations. While my heart aches for those who are suffering, it also opens wide to offer comfort, just as He has comforted me.  My questions have never centered on why God allows bad things to happen. Instead, I have always sought to understand how He reassures me when I am down or feel lost.

In times of uncertainty, we can find solace in knowing that God is our rock and comforter. The book of Lamentations offers a profound perspective on navigating a world that seems to be falling apart, all while recognizing that God remains in control. Jeremiah witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem, and his emotions ranged from deep grief to profound inspiration. One of the most powerful moments in Lamentations is when he declares, “Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends!”  This statement is powerful for two key reasons.  First, despite the devastation around him, Jeremiah did not question God’s decision to allow Jerusalem’s destruction.  He understood the reasons behind it better than most, yet he did not dwell on whether it was fair. Instead, he focused on God’s promises.  This shift from questioning to trusting is a testament to his faith.

The second reason this statement is noteworthy is the emphasis on God’s faithful love. Jeremiah believed that through all trials and tragedies, God would continue to guide, protect, and love His people.  This unwavering belief in God’s goodness is what makes Him truly amazing.  While many might argue that it is unfair for God to allow suffering, we must remember that we do not see the full picture.  Trusting in God means believing that He does not act to harm us but to fulfill a greater purpose.

Jeremiah’s message culminates in the comforting reminder that “His mercies begin afresh each morning.”  This reassurance echoes the sentiment of the song “Ain’t No Need to Worry,” which says:

Ain't no need to worry,

what the night is gonna bring,

 It'll be all over in the morning.

Just as the song suggests, we can find peace in knowing that each new day brings a fresh start, filled with God’s renewed mercies.

God’s faithfulness is the foundation of our faith.  In times like these, when the weight of the world feels unbearable, we need assurance of who God is more than ever.  Yes, there are times things go wrong, but we are assured by Jesus himself as He says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) He is our refuge, our strength, and our ever-present help in trouble.  Let us lean into His love and find peace in His unwavering presence.  Where are you feeling uncertain where God’s faithfulness can reassure you?  What promises of God can you rely on in hard times?  My prayer is that as we remember those tough times, we remember God’s faithfulness above all things.  Amen.


Faithful Prayer


Prayer For The Nation