Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

Love Story - The End Of The Beginning

We all work toward what we call an end game. It’s where we achieve what we want. Last week, I talked about a plan, and this week, I’m talking about the success of set plan. But what if the plan is not for it all to end? Perhaps, it is what we are hoping to begin. That’s what God wants and where this devotion starts …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

That Evil Dude

We are very quick to define an evil act, and that is easy to both understand and define. We are also quick to define someone as evil. That, however, is not as easily definable. We all see wrongdoings fairly similar, but while acts at times meet the definition, does it mean the person does as well? If we met a person that we thought was evil, how would we respond? This week’s devotion talks about how defining someone as ‘evil’ may not be as easy as you think …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Heart Of The Matter

One of life's toughest lessons is to forgive. We are hurt, done wrong, treated poorly, or utterly disregarded by others. Sometimes it is all of the above. These can create a degree of bitterness that can hurt us over time. However, forgiving can open doors to things you might not have realized. My devotion this week dives into that very thought ...

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