Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams


We will see things happening around us and that are often enough to bring us to tears. A sudden death of a child, a couple going through a divorce, and harmful words said that are hurtful all can create a feeling of sadness that literally break our hearts. The truth is that as Christ followers, this is not as they say a problem. It is a feature. Today’s devotion explains why …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams


Have you ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat?” Last night’s dinner was Red Robin, and thus, a bacon cheeseburger and broccoli filled my tummy. That’s rare because typically we are a chicken and fish-based family. I note this not because the conversation is about what you eat. What today’s topic is what are you filling your mind with. Is it books? Sports? Biblical knowledge? There are lots of answers to that question, and the focus should not be on just what you choose. The most important thing is the result. That’s what today’s devotion is about …

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God, Jesus Kent Williams God, Jesus Kent Williams

Go And Do

Throughout our lives, we are led to ponder on a simple question.  Why?  That is often a valuable question to understand motivations, causes, and even its necessity.  But what if that question is not answered?  What if you are left to ponder and determine what to do?  Hopefully, you can trust your judgment based on the information given to you.  When it comes to God, He does not always give you are reason to do what it asked of you.  He simply asks you to trust Him.  Can you?  Of course!  Today’s devotion tells us why …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Words and Deeds

Practice what you preach. Your actions are so loud, I can’t hear what you’re saying. Those are things commonly said when people struggle to match our actions with our words. This has a significant impact on the sharing of our beliefs. You might even have a reputation that precedes an interaction with someone. Thus, it is important that we not only check what we say but also how it represents who we are. Today’s devotion speaks on how words are not always enough to win hearts over …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

A Collaborative Effort

My wife and I are a team. We work together to make our relationship work. While there are times I may have to ask questions over what she is doing, making us work is not about my watching and critiquing her work in the situation. It is about my focus on my own efforts to ensure things work. This is true with God as well. I do not need to focus on what He will do. He will do it. I must work on my own efforts to make it work. That’s how collaboration works, and that’s what today’s’ devotion is about …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

True & Righteous Hearts

Our story as followers of Christ has always been one of redemption. The love and empowerment shown by God has always been a source of strength. But not many know that story. Furthermore, people assume our lives are a fairy tale where we lived happily ever after. We know that is not the case, but do others? Do they know our authentic selves? And if they did, would it push them away or draw them closer to us and more importantly God? That is the right question and where this devotion begins …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Making The Right Point

Most of us have been involved in some discussion where there is a debate of what is right versus wrong. We all have our moments where we can get carried away with that. My daughter and I had that on a daily basis at one point :) But sometimes we can have everything right, and yet, it nets a negative result. Why? Today’s devotion might help you if that is that you have experienced …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Necessary Ingredients

A great recipe calls for lots of things. At times, we must change it to make it just right. Our relationship with God is very similar in that vain. We often find that we are different from we once were, and we change things so that we fit exactly where He wants us. But for it to work, there is one main ingredient that must be present. Today’s devotion reveals exactly what that is …

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