You Said It, I Believe It

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. I watched as people took to the streets and the airwaves to voice their opinions about the court’s decision. And I won’t debate abortion here in this space, but I watched with interest as one network showed a series of video clips from the nomination hearings for four of the five Justices who formed the majority opinion. in each of the nomination hearings for these four Justices, they spoke of Roe v. Wade as having withstood many legal challenges and in their minds it was “settled law”. Their ruling this week suggests that what they said a few years ago, was not something that could be relied on. It is a reminder to us that man’s word is like vapor, only God’s word is the solid rock on which we can stand. In Isaiah 51:1-8, God assured the remnant in Israel who continued to seek Him and His righteousness, that they could trust in His faithfulness to them and His promises. He told them that the heavens, earth and the lives of men would all pass away, but His faithfulness to His promises would last forever. May God reward your trust in Him and bless you in the faithfulness and fulfillment of His promises in your life.

Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness

and who seek the LORD:

Look to the rock from which you were cut

and to the quarry from which you were hewn;

look to Abraham, your father,

and to Sarah, who gave you birth.

When I called him he was only one man,

and I blessed him and made him many.

The LORD will surely comfort Zion

and will look with compassion on all her ruins;

he will make her deserts like Eden,

her wastelands like the garden of the LORD.

Joy and gladness will be found in her,

thanksgiving and the sound of singing. (Isaiah 51:1-3). God spoke to the remnant of Israel (small group who remained faithful to God). They were the ones who “pursued righteousness” and looked to God in their daily living. God promised them that even though Israel was seemingly ruined (in captivity, in a strange land), in His compassion He would bring the remnant out of their desolation and restore them. And in their joy they would sing praises to Him. God told them to look at Abraham and Sarah as an example of His faithfulness and power to keep His promises. He promised Abraham that He would bless and multiply him. And He did, even though Abraham and Sarah were seemingly past the point of being able to have children (in ruins) when God finally blessed them. You’re not so far gone in your “ruin” that God can’t keep His promise and bless you.

“Listen to me, my people;

hear me, my nation:

Instruction will go out from me;

my justice will become a light to the nations.

My righteousness draws near speedily,

my salvation is on the way,

and my arm will bring justice to the nations.

The islands will look to me

and wait in hope for my arm.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens,

look at the earth beneath;

the heavens will vanish like smoke,

the earth will wear out like a garment

and its inhabitants die like flies.

But my salvation will last forever,

my righteousness will never fail. (Isaiah 51:4-6). God called on His people again to listen to Him. His promise would be faithfully fulfilled. The gospel (good news) would go out and be a light to all people. His deliverance of His people was near and His salvation was speedily on the way. God, in His power, would deliver judgment and justice. The heavens and earth would pass away, just like man. But God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promise and save His people would never fail. God’s faithfulness to his promises are true and everlasting. He will do what He promised you!

“Hear me, you who know what is right,

you people who have taken my instruction to heart:

Do not fear the reproach of mere mortals

or be terrified by their insults.

For the moth will eat them up like a garment;

the worm will devour them like wool.

But my righteousness will last forever,

my salvation through all generations.” (Isaiah 51:7-8) For a third time, God told His people to listen to Him. He was speaking to the remnant of Israel, but in a broader sense, to all those who look to Him and trust in His word. He warned His people that being mocked and persecuted by others wasn’t something to be feared or cause them stop trusting in Him. Those same people who mocked had no real power, as evidenced by the fact that they were mortal, they would die and be consumed by the lowest insects (worms and moths). But God’s faithfulness to His promises (righteousness) and His salvation would remain forever. Don’t let your trust in what God has promised you be dampened by what others have to say about you.

God pointed Israel’s remnant to look at His faithfulness to Abraham as an example of the faithfulness He would show to them. They were physically descended from Abraham and as a remnant who still looked to God and trusted Him, they were also spiritually descended from Abraham. God promised them that although the nation of Israel would suffer ruin because of her continued sin, He would deliver a remnant from the depths of their ruin and restore them. God still promises to deliver and restore us from the ruin of sin. And most importantly, when we seek Him and His righteousness and have faith in Jesus, God promised us that we are saved. Men may mock and scorn us, but our confidence in God’s promises, including our deliverance and salvation, is rooted in God’s faithfulness. God’s message to the remnant of Israel, “listen to me” you can trust in my faithfulness. And my response to God is…You said it, I believe it!


Rev. Glenn

Listen here to Maverick City worshiping in song “Man of your word”


Clarifying Statements


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