A Story Problem

You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.  No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.  Matthew 5:14-16

When I was growing up, there were math problems that we called story problems.  These were problems where there was information that we were given and then based on that information, we needed to solve the problem.  A simple version would be like this:  Dave made 3 flags, 8 stars, and 8 lanterns.  How many decorations did Dave make all together?  The flags, stars, and lanterns are what we would call a ‘given.’  Based on the information, we must ‘prove’ how many decorations Dave made.  This was a simple version of a story problem, and as we got older, there were more complex ones that might have had a lot more information or information that was thrown in there that had nothing to do with what we must prove.

So here is my ‘story problem’ with God.  I know who God is and that even as I often fight for control, He is the lead of my life.  His word is true, and He is never changing.  He made me for a reason, and He has a purpose for my life.  Those are as they say in the story problem a ‘given.’  So here is where I struggle.  Based on the information given, prove you are worth something.  You see, I struggle at times with that.  I feel a lot of ‘you are not a good person because of things I’ve done wrong’ or ‘that person over there is such a good steward of God and that’s not me.’  And these are simple things to overcome, but where it is complex is how those attacks are constant and keep coming.  It may sound something like this.  I forgot something at work and was frustrated.  That frustration carried over to my home life as I was frustrated by something my wife said that reminded me how forgetful I am.  As it built up, I lashed out at her, and now, she does not want to talk with me.  This pushes me into isolation where I distance myself from her and family and just run to the confines of my iPhone to play games and withdraw from the world.  Does that sound like someone with value?  It does not.  But see, all that is ‘given.’  Here is what I have to remember.  Those are moments, and they are not what matters in the story.  What matters is who God sees me as.  The thing I must remember is this part of the story: He made me for a reason, and He has a purpose for my life.  That is the value.

God has a purpose for you.  I do not know who might need a reminder of that, but that is what God wants us to know.  Deep down, I believe many of us know this, but at times, we let a bunch of other things tell us otherwise.  I know I at times get lost in negative talk and cannot find my way out.  I do not know how I even got there, but the thing is this.  It usually happens because I did not look to Jesus or as I pointed out like something at work, I forget.  Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” (John 8:12b)  You see, we often find value not in God but in those things that surround us.  That is the complexity of the story problem.  We assume our value is defined by those things around us.  It is not.  It is seeing yourself as God sees you.  That’s why today’s verses matter.  It tells you that the light is the spirit Jesus put in you.  It has value beyond what others may see and what the Devil may tell you.  You are priceless to God, and while you may not know it, you will do amazing things for His Kingdom.  But you must know how valued you are.

You matter to God.  Yes, it sounds simple and easy to remember, yet we all sometimes forget that.  If you are not having that struggle today, take this as reassurance of what you already know.  But if you are struggling today and are asking questions as I did, let the words of Jesus resonate in your heart and soul as a simple truth.  You are a light that cannot be hidden.  You know this because God Himself said so.  Let us never forget that.  What is your struggle with self-worth today?  How will you remind yourself of the value God places on you?  My prayer is that we remember that the proof is we are loved by God and valued by Jesus.  Amen.


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