Heart Smart

Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.  And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.  But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.  1 Corinthians 8:1-3 (NKJV)

There was a saying, “Love with your head.  Not your heart.”  I get the overall concept as it points out that when choosing to love, do not go with what the heart desires.  Go with what is smart.  But while there is some truth to this, it is not always accurate.  For example, I present to you the latter stages of my teen years.  It was probably not the smartest thing in the world to become a father at such a young age, but in retrospect, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.  My oldest daughter literally changed my life trajectory from one of being a self-centered and immature boy to a loving father whose child has made him so proud and blessed.  I think of her early birthday parties and how cute she was.  I would love to say I was a perfect Dad, but of course I was not.  Yet, the love that little girl showed me helped me to become so much better as a person.  So, while I would not urge every young boy to become a father at such an age, for me the love I share with her made me so much better and wiser as an adult.  Now some might think that this is not about loving with your head.  Who would ever think that loving a child is not smart?  But I think that is the point of today’s verses.

Love of God is greater than knowledge of Him.  We all ‘know’ things, and we feel smarter with greater knowledge.  But feeling smarter feels rather small in comparison to feeling loved.  To love with your head is not real love at all!  Does it mean we will do things that are not  always the smartest?  Absolutely!  I mean who would love someone who would continually fail them over and over again?  Ask Paul, when he said, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?  Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:24-25)  You see, God’s love for us makes no sense, and yet, He loves us unconditionally so.  That is what makes today’s verses work.  We tend to think of God in this logical law-abiding sense and that is the true meaning of love for God.  But even Paul, one of primary authors of the New Testament, called himself ‘a wretched man,’ and Jesus Himself spoke to him calling for his to serve.  You might say, “That makes no sense, Kent,” and that is exactly why knowledge of God cannot do what love for God can.  We can say our learning of God’s word makes us smarter, and that is true.  But love is a verb, and if we do not act on it, our knowledge means nothing.  That is what today’s verses mean.  God wants our hearts for He knows with it will come the strength, desire, and willingness to learn of Him and follow what He expects of us.

Our love for God and each other is far superior to anything else we can learn.  The book of James makes this point saying, “Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?” (James 2:20b) It underlines the fact that we may know God, but if we do not act, it means nothing.  A love for God pushes us to do for God what we would not be willing under any other condition.  Let us be driven by the love of Christ to do His will and not sit idle on the simple knowledge of His existence.  What is God prompting you to act on today?  Will you let the heart of God work within you over just the law of God?  My prayer is that when it comes to God, we are a little more heart smart. Amen.


Law Or Grace?


IF God Be For Us…