Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

I’ve Got Joy!

Over the years, I have spoken about the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness can go away, but joy lasts even through the bad times. I wondered if everyone has someone they can use as reference to remind them of the joy in their lives. I will tell you about mine with the hope that you will not only remember God is a source of joy but also have someone in your life (parent, sibling, friend, spouse) you can rely on to remind you of that joy …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

I Don’t Wanna …

Being a Christian is anything but simple. There are great things about it but because of things like temptations and short-term good feelings, we can often be lulled into a false sense of security. But like our parents taught us, there are things we do not want to do but for the good of all, we have to do even when we don’t want to. Today’s devotion underlines this very fact …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

A Story Problem

When we were little and in school, we all had story problems that we had. There was certain information that was ‘given,’ and we were then to solve the problem. As we got older, the problems got more complex. But the problems were not just about math anymore. One of the biggest problems of all is this: am I worth it? Today’s devotion delves into solving that very problem …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams


We all have something special in us. Whether it is small or world shattering, there is always something you can count on. Many of us don’t know what that is though. If we did, would we know what to do with it? Would it even matter? Today’s devotion delves into why it should …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Sharing Is Caring

Do you remember when your parents would ask you to share your toys? I remember. I can see that almost every weekend when my wife tells the grandchildren to share their tablets. The key lesson to be learned is to be willing to give to others when others who may not have what you have. That’s the spirit of today’s devotion …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Need Over Creed

In our walk of faith, we encounter many different views and perspectives. Some of those are quite different from ours, and others may even challenge our beliefs. However, does that mean we cannot break bread with them? Can we partake in those things even as they may not align with God? The provision here means a lot. Today’s devotion speaks of just that …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Heart Smart

Is it the head or the heart that matters more? There are compelling arguments both ways. However, while logic would seem to make it clear which is more important God might have a different take that makes the answer truly clear. That’s what today’s devotion is about …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

A Stretcher

We have all fallen off a bike before. Sometimes, we simply get up and ride again. Other times, we need some form of medical attention. Then there might be some of us that ended up having to go to the hospital. Our journey of faith can resemble this at times. We fall, and whether it’s a simple mistake or a problematic addiction, we can get help from our Heavenly Father. That’s what today’s devotion focuses on: dealing with weakness …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Strength In Being Humble

Humility sounds weak. It makes you seem below others or not up to the challenge. There are some words that sound like one thing but in reality mean another. Is it possible that humility sounds like weakness but in reality is strength? This week’s Wednesday’s Wisdom tackles that very question, and yes, there’s more to just a title.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Technically Fellowship

We’ve heard money is the root of all evil. We have also said technology is the enemy of true fellowship and connection. But is it? What if, like money, it’s not the enemy? What if the enemy is as it usually is? Us. How can God use us in that technological space? My devotion this week talks how fellowship and technology can be truly a God-based experience …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Meeting Expectations

With the new year comes new expectations. As we look back on the year 2021, we can assess how our relationship is with God. So, what can we celebrate? Are there things that we can improve on? What should we look forward to? My devotion this week focuses on God and what we need to build on that relationship.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Great I Am

There are times we are good, and there are times we are great. But what if we are good and we need ‘great?’ How do we find greatness when it is seemingly beyond our reach? Today’s Wednesday Wisdom speaks about the one who always produces greatness. May you and your family have a safe and Happy New Year!

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Birth of Jesus Christ

Christmas means lots of things. It means gifts, songs, and holiday cheer. We also know that the date represents the birth of Jesus Christ. We know this, but do we? Is that the first thing we think of when we celebrate Christmas? And even if it is, do we genuinely appreciate the meaning of Christmas beyond Charlie Brown? My devotion this week will tell you ways that you can enjoy both the all the festivities and the meaning of it all …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Light That Leads To Life

The holidays are supposed to be the happiest time of the year. However, studies show that this time of the year can not only be the saddest time of the year but also the loneliest. That leads me to think about the latter two: sadness and loneliness. They are not exclusive at this time of the year. It can happen anytime and to anyone. So, how do we combat this? It starts with who you are and whose you are. That’s where my devotion for this week begins …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Necessary Ingredients

A great recipe calls for lots of things. At times, we must change it to make it just right. Our relationship with God is very similar in that vain. We often find that we are different from we once were, and we change things so that we fit exactly where He wants us. But for it to work, there is one main ingredient that must be present. Today’s devotion reveals exactly what that is …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Open Or Closed

Should we get everything we want? The Rolling Stones had a great song that said, “You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need.” But some would say we serve a God who would say that if we go to Him, we will get what we ask. That sounds good on paper, but sometimes, we don’t get it. Why? Maybe it’s something better! My devotion this week talks about what we get when we ask for it …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

You Are Here

Thanksgiving is a time for food, family, and fellowship. That is not always the case. It can also be a time of sadness, pain, and grief particularly if a loved one has been lost. Whether there are many things to be thankful for or you are struggling to find purpose this time of year, there is one thing no matter our circumstance we should always be thankful of. My devotion this week elaborates on that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Never Lost

We all have times in life where we lose our place. We are unsure, and don’t know either where to go or who to turn to. As Christians, it’s easy to know the answer, but if it is so easy, why is it so hard to follow through? What’s the challenge? Perhaps we need to remember those times where we were previously lost and found our way. Today’s devotion speaks to that very process …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Representing Team Jesus

We all must lead in some capacity. Whether it is at work, home, or other venues, we all have a level of responsibility to lead someone else. What we tend to forget is that even if we do not have a responsibility to others, we always have one person we are responsible to: ourselves. But who is the most challenging person to lead? How does this connect to not only spiritual growth but also Kingdom building? My devotion this week talks about dealing with the most difficult person to lead and how they can grow and flourish …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

It’s Not Bragging If It Is Fact

Sometimes, we need to be confident in expressing what we know to be true especially as Christ followers. In a class I was teaching, it focused on something that is important for us to remember. It’s not bragging if it is fact..

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