Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

Not Enough

When growing up, we all had experiences when we did something and one of our parents looked at us and simply said, “That’s not good enough.” We often walked away frustrated mumbling to ourselves about how unrealistic an expectation they had. Of course, we always did more, and eventually, they were satisfied. How often do we hear that in our head today? Not those situations where we only have time to do so much, but when we do something and deep down know it was not enough? Here’s a story about when we are not doing enough and what to do about it …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Their Views

Politics is part of our society. There are many issues that we could debate on what is right and wrong. Many believe faith plays a role in it. There are times where that is certainly the case. However, where do we draw a line? Are there things that are bigger than our political stance? While the water can at times be murky, there are times it should never apply. Here’s why …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Getting Our Words In Order

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. I remember hearing that a lot. As a bit of a nerd particularly in my earlier years, I may have even said it. But we all realize just how false that truly is. Words do matter. They can hurt us in some cases for years. Ask someone whose parent never said, ‘I love you.’ As a Christian, we need to learn how our words matter. Today devotion focuses on that very thought …

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God, Jesus Kent Williams God, Jesus Kent Williams


Is the glass half full or half empty? It sounds like such a silly question, but it does say a lot about our perspective. My mom never complained about the milk container being half full. But there is something to be said about the reality of a situation. I do not ever want to be unrealistic and inauthentic. But I do want to be encouraging of others and positive in doing so. How? That’s where today’s devotion starts …

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