Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Great Problem Solver

We all can at times feel overwhelmed by life's challenges. However, there is the power of finding a sturdy foundation and learning from every storm you face. In today's devotion, we learn to embrace humility and growth while navigating through difficulties, realizing that sometimes the greatest strength comes from recognizing our own limitations.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

We Really Don’t Know

Have you ever thought you had a clear understanding of something years ago only to have an entirely different view when you looked at it again? I once had a friend tell me the phrase ‘dually noted’ was correct until an English major corrected me to say, ‘duly noted.’ As we get older, life gets more complex not because we do not understand things. It’s because we do that challenges the way we used to think. That’s what growing is, and today’s devotion is about just that … growing …

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God, Jesus Kent Williams God, Jesus Kent Williams

Pouring In

Lately I have started to write a blog about more than just God. For those who believe it is to promote myself, it has little to do with it. There are family and friends that shared wisdom with me over the years, and when I share it with others, they are incredibly receptive to it. I heard the expression that a lot of people poured into you with the hope that you would make a difference. Thus, I am trying to return the favor. Today’s devotion echoes that concept of what you put in will eventually come out …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Paying The Cost

Have it your way! Man, I’ve heard that since I was a little kid at Burger King. Even my mother had a hand in that, but it was more the ‘my way or the highway’ type proving back then I could not have it my way. We all want our way particularly when we believe it is right. But what about when we do not get our way? Is it that important that we do no matter the cost? Today’s devotion is about another way that benefits all …

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