Insights of Hope
Open Or Closed
Should we get everything we want? The Rolling Stones had a great song that said, “You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need.” But some would say we serve a God who would say that if we go to Him, we will get what we ask. That sounds good on paper, but sometimes, we don’t get it. Why? Maybe it’s something better! My devotion this week talks about what we get when we ask for it …
You Are Here
Thanksgiving is a time for food, family, and fellowship. That is not always the case. It can also be a time of sadness, pain, and grief particularly if a loved one has been lost. Whether there are many things to be thankful for or you are struggling to find purpose this time of year, there is one thing no matter our circumstance we should always be thankful of. My devotion this week elaborates on that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
The Rest Of The Story
We all have a story. Some are happy and others are sad. However, we must realize that our story has not ended. It is a work in process with plot twists and turns we would not have expected. If you knew the end of the story, would you change it? It’s important to remember that our goal is not to know the end of the story. It is to write it with our action.
Never Lost
We all have times in life where we lose our place. We are unsure, and don’t know either where to go or who to turn to. As Christians, it’s easy to know the answer, but if it is so easy, why is it so hard to follow through? What’s the challenge? Perhaps we need to remember those times where we were previously lost and found our way. Today’s devotion speaks to that very process …
Representing Team Jesus
We all must lead in some capacity. Whether it is at work, home, or other venues, we all have a level of responsibility to lead someone else. What we tend to forget is that even if we do not have a responsibility to others, we always have one person we are responsible to: ourselves. But who is the most challenging person to lead? How does this connect to not only spiritual growth but also Kingdom building? My devotion this week talks about dealing with the most difficult person to lead and how they can grow and flourish …
It’s Not Bragging If It Is Fact
Sometimes, we need to be confident in expressing what we know to be true especially as Christ followers. In a class I was teaching, it focused on something that is important for us to remember. It’s not bragging if it is fact..
Only A Prayer Away
You can cry out to Him anytime, in whatever situation you find yourself. For He is the One who hears and answers the prayers of His people.
The Heart Of The Matter
One of life's toughest lessons is to forgive. We are hurt, done wrong, treated poorly, or utterly disregarded by others. Sometimes it is all of the above. These can create a degree of bitterness that can hurt us over time. However, forgiving can open doors to things you might not have realized. My devotion this week dives into that very thought ...
Choose Love
Whether we realize it or not, we … have a choice. We can choose to amplify those things that represent God’s love or focus on those things that may make us feel good but do not focus God.
Worthy Of All Praise And Worship
Joy, singing, praise and worship is called for as we enter the Lord's presence and give thanks for all He's done