Insights of Hope

Kent Williams Kent Williams

A Counselor And Comforter

We all have to play various roles. I play a role at home as a husband and father. Some roles I fulfill better than others. There is one, Jesus Christ, who fills all the role well, but why was He even necessary? This week’s devotion covers these topics.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Strength In Being Humble

Humility sounds weak. It makes you seem below others or not up to the challenge. There are some words that sound like one thing but in reality mean another. Is it possible that humility sounds like weakness but in reality is strength? This week’s Wednesday’s Wisdom tackles that very question, and yes, there’s more to just a title.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Lost & Found

We all get lost from time to time. We turn left when we should have turned right, or we take a risk, and the result is not in our favor. We have lost our way. How can we find our way back? Should we even believe there is a right way? Today’s devotion centers on being lost and how you can find your way back on the right path.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Technically Fellowship

We’ve heard money is the root of all evil. We have also said technology is the enemy of true fellowship and connection. But is it? What if, like money, it’s not the enemy? What if the enemy is as it usually is? Us. How can God use us in that technological space? My devotion this week talks how fellowship and technology can be truly a God-based experience …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Meeting Expectations

With the new year comes new expectations. As we look back on the year 2021, we can assess how our relationship is with God. So, what can we celebrate? Are there things that we can improve on? What should we look forward to? My devotion this week focuses on God and what we need to build on that relationship.

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Great I Am

There are times we are good, and there are times we are great. But what if we are good and we need ‘great?’ How do we find greatness when it is seemingly beyond our reach? Today’s Wednesday Wisdom speaks about the one who always produces greatness. May you and your family have a safe and Happy New Year!

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Birth of Jesus Christ

Christmas means lots of things. It means gifts, songs, and holiday cheer. We also know that the date represents the birth of Jesus Christ. We know this, but do we? Is that the first thing we think of when we celebrate Christmas? And even if it is, do we genuinely appreciate the meaning of Christmas beyond Charlie Brown? My devotion this week will tell you ways that you can enjoy both the all the festivities and the meaning of it all …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

The Light That Leads To Life

The holidays are supposed to be the happiest time of the year. However, studies show that this time of the year can not only be the saddest time of the year but also the loneliest. That leads me to think about the latter two: sadness and loneliness. They are not exclusive at this time of the year. It can happen anytime and to anyone. So, how do we combat this? It starts with who you are and whose you are. That’s where my devotion for this week begins …

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Kent Williams Kent Williams

Necessary Ingredients

A great recipe calls for lots of things. At times, we must change it to make it just right. Our relationship with God is very similar in that vain. We often find that we are different from we once were, and we change things so that we fit exactly where He wants us. But for it to work, there is one main ingredient that must be present. Today’s devotion reveals exactly what that is …

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