Insights of Hope
Sharing Is Caring
Do you remember when your parents would ask you to share your toys? I remember. I can see that almost every weekend when my wife tells the grandchildren to share their tablets. The key lesson to be learned is to be willing to give to others when others who may not have what you have. That’s the spirit of today’s devotion …
Need Over Creed
In our walk of faith, we encounter many different views and perspectives. Some of those are quite different from ours, and others may even challenge our beliefs. However, does that mean we cannot break bread with them? Can we partake in those things even as they may not align with God? The provision here means a lot. Today’s devotion speaks of just that …
Heart Smart
Is it the head or the heart that matters more? There are compelling arguments both ways. However, while logic would seem to make it clear which is more important God might have a different take that makes the answer truly clear. That’s what today’s devotion is about …
Setting Standard
We all have standards. We might believe in differing opinions on things, but there are certain things that represent who we are as individuals. Those things often come from our upbringing or our way of life. Today’s devotion focuses on how standards have impact not only on us but those closest to us.
Never Missing A Beat
There’s a saying that the clothes make the man. As Steve Jobs, founder of Apple proved, that is not always accurate. However, there is something to be said about one who cares about their own appearance. It does not make one better or worse. But as my devotion today points out, there is something to be said for it, and it has nothing to do with the suit …
Basic Belief
There is something to be said that you learn a lot about people by learning what friends they hang around. Our friends do say something about us. But friends could be a wide array of people. What friends should we rely on? Chances are, the ones who exemplify your best qualities are the ones you rely on. Today’s devotion talks about the right circle of friends …
The Bronze Medal
We have a bunch of sayings about winning such as “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.” We even define success by remembering who finished first. But in God’s Kingdom, can there be only one ‘winner?’ Is success defined by what you were able to get on earth? As you can guess, it’s much more than that. Today’s Wednesday Wisdom looks at why many times, it’s not the winner that truly wins …
The Problem
How many of you have heard the expression ‘We have met the enemy, and he is us?’ It actually comes from a slogan from the World Fair decades ago, but the saying is prevalent to many things. We get in our own way when it comes to God too. Today’s devotion gives an idea of what that might look like …