Insights of Hope
Getting Our Words In Order
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. I remember hearing that a lot. As a bit of a nerd particularly in my earlier years, I may have even said it. But we all realize just how false that truly is. Words do matter. They can hurt us in some cases for years. Ask someone whose parent never said, ‘I love you.’ As a Christian, we need to learn how our words matter. Today devotion focuses on that very thought …
The Right Audience
We all know the saying, “The message is not for you.” Today’s devotion is a warning about that very thing. Sometimes the message is not for you because we are looking at it through our own lens. What if we put on someone else’s glasses for a minute? Might we find something hidden in the message that might be of value to us? I found that what I missed gave me greater insight. Perhaps, it will be for you too.
From Hate to Love
None of us will ever admit to hating another individual. You might hate brussels sprouts, cleaning the garage, or Manchester City if you love Soccer. We might even venture to hate a group of people. But an individual? That’s a tall order that requires a special threshold. So, what if you have reached that? Maybe, you need to take another look at what the story is because it may not be the right one …
Just Dance
You ever hear that song on the radio in your car that just does it for you? You start to shimmy your shoulders and move your head. You might even belt out a few words or two. If you were out on the dance floor or even in the shower, you might have to ‘bust a move.’ You know exactly the feeling of exhilaration that you feel inside. Imagine if that is the feeling God has over something. In fact, what if God danced? Guess what? He does, and guess why?
As He Sees Them
Who are your enemies? We often can think about that question and come up with some very easy answers. Usually, it is a collective group. Maybe a country or a group of people. But Jesus made the comment about loving our enemies. I often wondered if it was about our enemies and our treatment of them. As I thought about it, it goes far deeper than that …
The Reunion
People have differing thoughts of high school reunions. Some are of dread, and others are of curiosity. Interestingly enough, mine was of excitement and anticipation just to see people. I got a lot more than I bargained for, and I found out another answer to how God works ...
When You Believe …
Have I mentioned I love movies (LOL)? Okay. There’s an ending of a movie that was but part of a great trilogy. It has the final scene where good overcomes evil and the people are saved. When the wise person is asked if they always knew the ending would turn out as it did, they answered, “Oh no. No, I didn’t. But I believed … I believed.” Nothing can be achieved without a sincere belief in an outcome. Our relationship with Christ is very similar. How? Let’s see …
The Strength Of Love
My wife would tell me that to get respect you have to give respect. If it works that way with respect, what about love? Many would say love is unconditional, and I agree with that. But to attract love, I would say you have to give love. So why is God's unconditional love so different. Read on to find out
Because He Loves Us
Growing up, I loved the movie 'The Wizard Of Oz.' The song still resonates in my head, and this part is why:
If ever, oh ever a wiz there was
The Wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
Because, because, because ... it sounded like my Mom when she told me to do something. No answer. Just because. We are asked to trust God. Why? That's at the heart of today's devotion ...