Insights of Hope
Speaking My Language
It can be hard to understand where someone is coming from. Sometimes, it is situational. Other times, it is cultural. We all have different experiences. That can make communication at times difficult. As Christians, we believe God’s message is clear. However, sometimes the issue is not the receiver of the message. It is the sender. Today’s devotion delves into that dynamic and how we can benefit both as a sender and receiver of God’s word …
The Greatest
We all have conversations about what is the greatest of all time. What is the greatest vacation you have been on? What’s the best moment of your life? The list could go on for days, but there can only be one ‘greatest’ of all. In our faith, what is the greatest of all? This special Tuesday edition of ‘Wednesday Wisdom’ explains exactly what that is …
I Don’t Wanna …
Being a Christian is anything but simple. There are great things about it but because of things like temptations and short-term good feelings, we can often be lulled into a false sense of security. But like our parents taught us, there are things we do not want to do but for the good of all, we have to do even when we don’t want to. Today’s devotion underlines this very fact …
Simple Truth
My wife and I differ on lots of things. However, what I know is that God put her in my life to constantly remind me of one simple truth. Today's devotion shares not only her favorite verse but also why we as a couple work …
Everyone loves a good court case. Whether it is my wife’s favorite Law & Order or movies like ‘A Few Good Men,’ we love the dynamic of the trial and jury. Today’s devotion is a different case; a case for love. What you will see is there is an undeniable reasoning for why there is nothing greater than love. So, what is it? All rise …
Clarifying Statements
They say that love is the only thing that matters. Yes, I’m sure there are other things that matter. No one loves paying taxes, but it certainly matters that you do. But love is the greatest motivator of all. Without it, little matters. That’s what today’s devotion is about …
A Story Problem
When we were little and in school, we all had story problems that we had. There was certain information that was ‘given,’ and we were then to solve the problem. As we got older, the problems got more complex. But the problems were not just about math anymore. One of the biggest problems of all is this: am I worth it? Today’s devotion delves into solving that very problem …